Click to expand Tap to zoom OBSERVER’S MAP OF THE MOON by Book $16.95 SKU 93704 More on the way: This product will not ship immediately. Contact us for estimated delivery. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Quantity Quantity Add to cart {} { "rp_lazyload": 1, "rp_status": 1, "rp_titletext": {"title":"Featured Products","text":"Choose your vibes"}, "currency": { "symbol": "$", "iso_code": "USD" } } {}
Double-sided map of the lunar surface highlights key features like craters and maria that you can explore for yourself with your telescope Features a directory of the best craters and lunar features with coordinates to find them Detailed lunar observing tips and information about key lunar regions on the reverse side of the map Lunar topography by renowned lunar cartographer, Ralph Aeschliman Map is 24" x 24" for easy reading or display, but folds to just 8" x 4" for easy transport to your observing site Map is waterproof and tear resistant