Feathertouch SCT MicroFocuser - Celestron Edge HD 8/CPC-800/CGEM-800/NexStar 6SE & 8SE
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For the Celestron 6SE, Feather Touch® Micro Focuser for Celestron 6″ Evolution Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescopes (starlightinstruments.com) you will need to measure the outside diameter of the flange of the stock focuser (the part of the stock focuser that mates to the rear cell, as Celestron uses 2 different size of flanges, 1 that is 1.5″/38mm and 1 that is 1.6″/40.6mm.
Feather Touch® Micro Telescope Focuser for Celestron CPC-800 / NexStar 6SE/8SE SCT and SkyWatcher 150/180mm Maksutovs
If your telescope is less than a few years old, check the style of the back cell to see which version of the Feather Touch® SCT Micro Focuser you need: If your telescope has a flat back (left picture), you need the standard “C” Micro Focuser. If your telescope has a triangular pattern on the back (right picture), you will need the “CPC” version of the Micro Focuser.
Click here to read the First Look Installation article from RainyDayMagazine
Click here to view the installation instructions
Click here for You Tube installation video
Click here to read installations instructions on SkyWatcher SkyMax 150mm Maksutov
Credit to Eric Schwartz installation instructions on the SW 150 Maksutov