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Celestial Atlas Menor is a reference and observing guide for those wanting to enjoy the exploration of the heavens with their eyes, binoculars or a 6 to 8-inch diameter telescope. It is for both beginners and more experienced observers. The magnitude limit of the charted stars is about +5.5 which is the limit of the naked eye, but the magnitude limit for celestial objects (like nebulae and galaxies) is about +11.5, which is the limit for a 6-inch to 8-inch diameter telescope, that is, popular-size scopes under reasonably dark skies. Throughout its 128 pages, beginners will find explanations of terms and concepts, as well as help with terms in the expanded glossary.
Celestial Atlas Menor includes:
* 26 detailed star charts of the entire sky with 14 additional close-up charts
* Comfortable chart scale that keeps whole constellations on a single chart (page)
* Simplified constellation outlines for easy identification of patterns in the sky
* Over 1,370 plotted objects (Deep Sky Objects: star clusters, nebulae and galaxies) and 360 double stars with 24 pages of descriptions. The Deep Sky Object magnitude limit is to +11.5
* Stars on charts plotted to the naked-eye magnitude limit of +5.5
* Cross-reference lists to find objects in constellations by type, designation or name
* Bimonthly Northern and Southern Hemisphere charts for identifying the stars and constellations in most night skies
* Tabs for the charts and listing of objects, and smartly placed reference pages
* Messier Deep Sky Objects (catalogue of 110 star clusters, nebulae and galaxies)
* Caldwell catalogue of Deep Sky Objects
* List of closest stars
* List of stars with names
* Meteor showers
* Facts about the Sun
* Moon map and observing information
* Facts and observing information on the planets
* Observing tips for all objects, including double stars and Deep Sky Objects
* Black and white charts for use with red lights that preserve night vision
* Greek mythology
* Expanded glossary to define and/or explain terms and concepts
* A standard and convenient size (8.5x11 inches) for clipboards, 3-ring binders and one's lap
* Internet support for the location of the planets and other information
Separate star charts from Ken Press that can be used alone or in conjunction with Celestial Atlas Menor include:
*16-inch Guide to the Stars, Northern Hemisphere. ISBN 1928771017
*11-inch Guide to the Stars, Northern Hemisphere. ISBN 1928771033
*11-inch Guide to the Stars, Equatorial. ISBN 1928771777
*11-inch Guide to the Stars, Southern Hemisphere. ISBN 1928771114