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  • Advanced CCD Cameras

    Advanced CCD Cameras

    When starting in CCD imaging, price often determines what camera you buy. Relatively inexpensive CCDs typically have smaller chips, lowerquantum efficiency, and lack certain features such as self-guiding and compatibility with certain accessories. Advanced CCDs take up where the smaller...

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  • Advanced Mounts

    Advanced Mounts

    Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes and refractors are the most popular systems for CCD imaging. Most SCTs come as a complete system with optical tube and fork-mount as one assembly. Less expensive refractors may include a small German equatorial mount, but many high-end...

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  • Advanced Telescopes

    Advanced Telescopes

    The most popular telescope design used for CCD imaging is the Schmidt-Cassegrain. This design offers a lot of versatility for both imaging and viewing. This fact as well as their portability and moderate price make them very popular instruments. However,...

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