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Stargazing Feb 22nd ✦ 6pm-10pm
Stargazing Feb 22nd ✦ 6pm-10pm


  • Lunar and Planetary Filters

    Lunar and Planetary Filters

    Two types of filters are often used to enhance planetary detail. The most popular method is to use a neutral density or polarizing filter to cut down the glare from bright objects like the moon and Venus. There are also...

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  • Solar Filters

    Solar Filters

    Might as well get the obligatory warning out of the way. The sun generates more energy in one second than all the power plants on Earth could create in a million years. It's really, really, really bright and without a...

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  • Light Pollution and Nebula Filters

    Light Pollution and Nebula Filters

    Light pollution filters and nebula filters are used to enhance the view of deep sky objects. They both work in a similar manner, but are intended for slightly different purposes. In fact, nebula filters really are just a type of...

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